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Fighting Florida’s Red Tide

           As the red tide becomes more and more severe the drastic need to do something about it becomes ever more necessary. While the red tide is natural, its severity in the past decade is unprecedented. For anyone who cares about the future of the earth, the environment, and their beaches the red tide is something that needs to be mitigated. Scientists have found a few ways that people can help.​​​​​​

           According to the University of Central Florida, one thing that scientists do to try and lessen the severity of the red tide is spread a clay mixture over the red tide when it occurs. The clay mixture is used to weigh the algae down so that it stays at the bottom of the ocean. Other countries outside of the United States use the clay method as well.

           There are many things everyone can do. For example, keeping their waste to a minimum to cause less pollution. Your Observer advocates for petitioning legislature. House Bill 1135 and Senate Bill 1552 are currently trying to get passed. These bills are supposed to be in place to slow the red tide and to provide better research into helping fight the red tide.

           Donating to research and to people who go out into the ecosystems affected by the red tide is a great help as well. One foundation that accepts donations and helps ecosystems is the Fish and Wildlife Foundation of Florida. They go out and help save the animals affected by the red tide. You can also volunteer to help with cleanups of our beaches and relocating animals. There are so many options for volunteer work that help Florida’s ocean ecosystems that you could easily find one that you like.

           Another way to help is to use less pesticides and fertilizer if you do use them. These chemicals are rich in nitrogen and phosphorus. When excess nitrogen and phosphorus reaches the ocean as waste it fuels the algae that causes the red tide.

           There are so many options for people who want to help. Many of them take little effort to minimal effort. Options are also available for those who want to be hands on. If you care about the future of your beaches and ecosystems, the red tide is certainly something to take action on.


Photo on the Sarasota Herald-Tribune showing the clay mixture method


Photo by: Dylan Jon Wade Cox, shows dead fish in harbor due to red tide

Photo by: ABC7, shows red tide cleanup in Sarasota Florida

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